So many of you have asked me
"What is CJEA? What is the process like?"
Creative Journal Expressive Arts was pioneered by Dr. Lucia Capacchione, as she healed herself from a potentially fatal disease. With Dr. Marsha Nelson of PROJECT INSIGHT, they began to train practitioners in 1998. We are now a respected, supportive international community.
This simple work helps us boost our immune systems and relieve stress by journaling and scribbling with our non dominant hand. The dialogues with the dominant and non dominant hand create flexibility in the corpus callosum, the part of the brain that helps us communicate between brain hemispheres.
Change is hard for most of us. Even, and especially, when we want it most. Let your Non Dominant Hand guide you. We all have this inner wisdom and BFF inside us. Spend an hour here getting to know how this tool can continue to support you.
Join me Tuesday evening , PST,
October 18th 7-8pm for a free hour workshop.
No art experience necessary.
All you need is a piece of paper and a crayon. ;)
If you have colored pencils, markers, and a journal of your own please feel free to use those.