Mosaic Alchemy is preparing to visit those affected by the Los Angeles fires to offer art making as healing, even as the fires remain less than 30% contained.
If not for my artistic practice, and community, I honestly do not know how I would function, let alone thrive. I’ve been making “Safe Spots” in many forms for over 20 years. Lately they are inspired by the magnificent patterns of tree bark…
WIP. “Safe Spots”. Sharpie on Black Canvas
From closing inaugural exhibition at THE VILLAGE WELL, Culver CIty. Safe Spot of “Eucalyptus” Jan 11 2025. (and plate from Inner Bullies, Round 1)
Making art in community is one of the most healing activities for me and many others. We will be out and about soon. Feel free to request a visit. Being together, focusing on color and pattern, breathing, all offers us a respite, opportunities for resilience, a Safe Spot..which we all desperately need now.
Making Safe Spots with markers…Making Mosaics…tessarae by tessarae… putting an ever changing puzzle together…not sure what we’re doing half way through…yet, another piece of glass or ceramic or candy finds its place…slowly, a moment, a breath at time.. witnessing beauty as it grows…exhaling…taking a break…gathering with friends to make and to grieve and to continue.. Sounds like love to me.. Sounds like spiritual practice. Sounds like art making…. Sounds like life…Join me..
Stay Safe, Stay close.
Reach out anytime. C’mon. xo